The seven-day residential camp organized by the NSS unit of Christ Nagar College concluded successfully. The camp was held at Christ Nagar Public School, Koovalassery, Maranalloor from 18 to 24 December 2024. Adv. I.B. Satheesh,MLA Kattakada inaugurated the camp, which featured various sessions led by distinguished speakers. A session on "Efficient Water Usage and Reuse" was conducted by Dr. Baiju Ramachandran, President of the Rotary Club of Trivandrum Suburban.
As part of the camp, students undertook cleaning activities and visited the Netto Eco-Tourism area (adopted village). The camp was led under the guidance of College Manager Fr. Cyriac Madathil CMI, Principal Dr. Jolly Jacob, and NSS Program Officers Rajeshkumar R. and Aathira D.V.